A list of substances that effectively combat coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19 disease, was published on March 13, 2020 on the website of the US Federal Government Agency for the Protection of the Environment and Human Health (EPA).
As SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus and isn’t investigated completely yet, the listed below substances are expected to destroy SARS-CoV-2 as they proved the efficiency against viruses which it is more difficult to kill and also against coronavirus.
Along with other substances, silver ions are included in the list and they fully meet the declared criteria.

Evolut team has been researching the silver for a long time, and we know a lot about its incredible features, that’s why we have been successfully synthesizing silver nanoparticles for many years.
The surface layer of silver nanoparticles consists of ions and affects bacteria and viruses in the same way as monatomic ion . At the same time, the nanoparticles are in a more stable state, and can act longer than a single ion, which ceases to be active after the missing electron is attached to it. We wrote more about the properties of nanoparticles and silver ions earlier.
Note that until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on the mechanism of action of silver on viruses and bacteria, but everyone agrees on the fact that silver is effective. There are several theories, the most common of which sounds the same for both individual ions and nanoparticles. Although there are those that explain the high efficiency of silver nanoparticles by physicochemical interaction with bacteria and viruses. For example, a silver nanoparticle is able to attach to a spike on the surface of a virus and prevent the virus from attaching to an organism cell.
It must be said that drugs with the listed substances are not medication or treatments: they destroy the virus before it enters the body. If you feel the symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor and avoid self-medication. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Full article of source study is available on: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-releases-list-disinfectants-use-against-covid-19